AA van der Meer, RL Hendriks, M Gibescu, WL Kling (2011), Interfacing methods for combined stability and electro-magnetic transient simulations applied to VSC-HVDC, R Iravani, W Neves (Eds.), In International Conference on Power System Transients 2011 p.1-7, IEEE Society.

JC Boemer, AA van der Meer, BG Rawn, RL Hendriks, M Gibescu, MAMM van der Meijden, WL Kling, JA Ferreira (2011), Network fault response of transmission systems with active distribution systems during reverse power flows, Th Ackermann (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants p.1-5, Energynautics GmbH.

AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, WL Kling (2011), Sustainability assessment of transmission expansion alternatives, M Laughton, T Gomez, et al. (Eds.), In 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) p.1-7, PSCC.

AR Ciupuliga, A Mahes, M Gibescu, PGH Jacobs, CPJ Jansen, RA van Offeren, E Pelgrum (2010), A novel transmission system planning method combining market simulations and load flow calculations for identifying bottlenecks in systems with large RES penetration, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Cigre 2010 p.1-8, Cigré.

AA van der Meer, RL Hendriks, WL Kling (2010), Combined stability and electro-magnetic transients simulation of offshore wind power connected through multi-terminal vsc-hvdc, P Traynor (Eds.), In IEEE PES General Meeting 2010 p.1-7, IEEE Society.

C Ismunandar, AA van der Meer, RL Hendriks, M Gibescu, WL Kling (2010), Control of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC for wind power integration using the voltage-margin method, T Ackermann, et al. (Eds.), In 9th International workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems p.1-8, IEEE Society.

AA van der Meer, R Teixeira Pinto, M Gibescu, P Bauer, JTG Pierik, FDJ Nieuwenhout, RL Hendriks, WL Kling, GAM van Kuik (2010), Offfshore transnational grids in Europe: the north sea transnational grid research project in relation to other research initiatives, Th Ackermann (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems, Québec, Canada p.1-8, Energynautics GmbH.

AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, G Migliavacca, A L'Abbate, I Losa, S Galant, A Vafaes, T Pagano (2010), Prospects for the transmission planning in Europe towards a sustainable energy future: the Realisegrid project, A Merlin (Eds.), In Proceedings of CIGRE 2010 p.0-10, Cigré.

AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, PGH Jacobs, CPJ Jansen, WL Kling (2010), Round-the-year security analysis with bottleneck ranking for inconnected power systems with large-scale wind power, s.n. (Eds.), In Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe), 2010 IEEE PES p.1-8, IEEE Society.

E Veldman, M Gibescu, JG Slootweg, WL Kling (2009), Technical benefits of distributed storage and load management in distribution grids, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings 2009 IEEE Bucharest Power Tech Conference p.1-8, IEEE Society.