Paul Procel, Guangtao Yang, Olindo Isabella, Miro Zeman (2019), Numerical Simulations of IBC Solar Cells Based on Poly-Si Carrier-Selective Passivating Contacts, In IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Volume 9 p.374-384.
N. Rezaei, O. Isabella, Z. Vroon, M. Zeman (2019), Optical optimization of a multi-layer wideband anti-reflection coating using porous MgF2 for sub-micron-thick CIGS solar cells, In Solar Energy Volume 177 p.59-67.
Rudi Santbergen, Hisashi Uzu, Kenji Yamamoto, Miro Zeman (2019), Optimization of Three-Terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, In IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Volume 9 p.446-451.
Juan Camilo Ortiz Lizcano, Zoheir Haghighi, Sander Wapperom, Carlos Infante Ferreira, Olindo Isabella, Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Miro Zeman (2019), Photovoltaic chimney: Thermal modeling and concept demonstration for integration in buildings, In Progress in Photovoltaics: research and applications Volume 28 (2020) p.465-482.
Nishant Narayan, Ali Chamseddine, Victor Vega-Garita, Zian Qin, Jelena Popovic-Gerber, Pavol Bauer, Miroslav Zeman (2019), Quantifying the Benefits of a Solar Home System-Based DC Microgrid for Rural Electrification, In Energies Volume 12 p.1-22.
Aditya Chaudhary, Jan Hoß, Jan Lossen, Rene van Swaaij, Miro Zeman (2019), Screen printed Ag contacts for n-type polysilicon passivated contacts, In AIP Conference Proceedings p.040002-1 - 040002-8.
Sandeep Mishra, Hesan Ziar, Olindo Isabella, Miro Zeman (2019), Selection Map for PV Module Installation Based on Shading Tolerability and Temperature Coefficient, In IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Volume 9 p.872-880.
Miro Zeman, Olindo Isabella, Hesan Ziar (2019), Smart Cell-level Power Managed PV Module.
Paul Procel Moya, Miro Zeman, Olindo Isabella, Guangtao Yang (2019), Solar cells with transparent contacts based on poly-silicon-oxide.
Robin Vismara, Nils Odebo Länk, Ruggero Verre, Mikael Käll, Olindo Isabella, Miro Zeman (2019), Solar harvesting based on perfect absorbing all-dielectric nanoresonators on a mirror, In Optics Express Volume 27 p.A967-A980.