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KAM van der Sluijs, GJPM Houben (2009), Automatic Generation of Semantic Metadata as Basis for User Modeling and Adaptation, In Advances in Ubiquitous User Modelling p.73-93, Springer.
P Cimiano, A Schultz, S Sizov, P Sorg (2009), Explicit vs. Latent Concept Models for Cross-Language Information Retrieval, C Boutilier (Eds.), In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'09) p.1513-1518, s.n..
P Cimiano (2009), Flexible Semantic Composition with DUDES, H Bunt, V Petukhova, S Wubben (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS'09) p.272-276, Universiteit Tilburg.
KAM van der Sluijs, AJH Hidders, E Leonardi, GJPM Houben (2009), GAL: A Generic Adaptation Language for describing Adaptive Hypermedia, P de Bra, M Pechenizkiy (Eds.), In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext: Generic Frameworks, Approaches and Techniques (DAH'09) in conjunction with the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext 2009) p.13-24, CEUR-WS.
M Niederhausen, KAM van der Sluijs, AJH Hidders, E Leonardi, GJPM Houben, K Meissner (2009), Harnessing the Power of Semantics-Based, Aspect-Oriented Adaptation for amacont, M Gaedke, M Grossniklaus, O Diaz (Eds.), In Web Engineering, 9th International Conference, ICWE 2009 p.106-120, Springer.
GJPM Houben, N Koch, A Vallecillo (2009), Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE 2008), In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5421 p.151-152.
P Cimiano, M Minock (2009), Natural Language Interfaces: What is the Problem? - A data-driven quantitative analysis, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'09) p.-.
K van Hee, AJH Hidders, GJPM Houben, J Paredaens, P Thiran (2009), On the relationship between workflow models and document types, In Information Systems: databases: their creation, management and utilization Volume 34 p.178-208.
P Cimiano (2009), Ontology Learning From Text using corpus-derived Formal Contexts, P Hitzler, H Scharfe, GQ Zhang (Eds.), In Conceptual Structures in Practice p.199-222, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.