Jinqiang Chen, Vandana Dwarka, Cornelis Vuik (2024), Matrix-Free Parallel Preconditioned Iterative Solvers for the 2D Helmholtz Equation Discretized with Finite Differences, M. van Beurden, N.V. Budko, G. Ciuprina, W. Schilders, H. Bansal, R. Barbulescu (Eds.), In Mathematics in Industry Volume 43 p.61-68, Springer.
Ghodrat Ebadi, Somayeh Seifollahzadeh, Cornelis Vuik (2024), New iterative methods for solving generalized absolute value equations, In Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 43.
Kewang Chen, Cornelis Vuik (2024), Non-stationary Anderson acceleration with optimized damping, In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 451.
Ziliang Zhang, Yuhang Wang, Cornelis Vuik, Hadi Hajibeygi (2023), An Efficient Simulation Approach for Long-term Assessment of CO2 Storage in Complex Geological Formations, In Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition 2023, RCSC 2023 p.1-18, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Kewang Chen, Cornelis Vuik (2023), Asymptotic convergence analysis and influence of initial guesses on composite Anderson acceleration, In Advances in Computational Mathematics Volume 49.
F.J.L. Buwalda, Erik de Goede, Maxim Knepflé, Cornelis Vuik (2023), Comparison of an Explicit and Implicit Time Integration Method on GPUs for Shallow Water Flows on Structured Grids, In Water Volume 15.
Jeremie Vandenplas, Buu-Van Nguyen, Cornelis Vuik (2023), Deflation techniques applied on mixed model equations, In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 426.
Jifeng Chu, Kateryna Marynets, Zihao Wang (2023), Existence and approximate solutions of a nonlinear model for the antarctic circumpolar current, In Differential and Integral Equations Volume 36 p.537-558.
G. Conforti, R. C. Kraaij, D. Tonon (2023), Hamilton–Jacobi equations for controlled gradient flows: The comparison principle, In Journal of Functional Analysis Volume 284.
Lu Yu Wang, Wei Zhong Chen, Yan Jun Zhang, Xiao Dong Zhang, Cornelis Vuik (2023), Investigating Effects of Heterogeneity and Fracture Distribution on Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Reservoir with adaptive time strategy, In Transport in Porous Media Volume 149 p.175-203.