EP van Someren, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2000), Linear modeling of genetic networks from experimental data, In ISMB 2000 proceedings p.355-366, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders, R Baldocchi, J Gray (2000), Statistical analysis of gene expression data, E Postma, M Gyssens (Eds.), In Proceedings p.83-90, s.n..

PJ van der Veen, LFA Wessels (2000), Visualization of multi-dimensional data with self-organizing maps and cluster projection, s.n..

LFA Wessels, R Babuska (1999), Analyzing well performance, s.n..

LFA Wessels, EP van Someren, MJT Reinders (1999), Information processing for intelligent molecular diagnosis, In Pattern Recognition Letters Volume 20 p.1457-1465.

LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders, R Baldocchi, J Gray (1999), Statistical analysis of gene expression data, E Postma, M Gyssens (Eds.), In BNAIC 1999: proceedings p.83-90, s.n..