LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders, AAM Hart, CJ Veenman, H Dai, T He, LJ van 't Veer (2005), A protocol for building and evaluating predictors of disease state based on microarray data, In Bioinformatics Volume 21 p.3755-3762.

P Roepman, LFA Wessels, N Kettelarij, P Kemmeren, AJ Miles, P Lijnzaad, MGJ Tilanus, R Koole, GJ Hordijk, P van der Vliet, MJT Reinders, PJ Slootweg, FCP Holstege (2005), An expression profile for diagnosis of lymph node metastases from primary head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, In Nature Genetics Volume 37 p.182-186.

J Hannemann, HM Oosterkamp, CAJ Bosch, A Velds, LFA Wessels, C Loo, EJ Rutgers, S Rodenhuis, MJ Vijver (2005), Changes in gene expression associated with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer, In Journal of Clinical Oncology Volume 23 p.3331-3342.

EH van Beers, T van Welsem, LFA Wessels, Y Li, RA Oldenburg, P Devilee, CJ Cornelisse, S Verhoef, FBL Hogervorst, LJ van 't Veer, PM Nederlof (2005), Comparative genomic hybridization profiles in human BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast tumors highlight differential sets of genomic aberrations, In Cancer Research Volume 65 p.822-827.

AM Glas, MJE Kersten, LJMJ Delahaye, AT Witteveen, RE Kibbelaar, A Velds, LFA Wessels, P Joosten, RM Kerkhoven, R Bernards, JHJM van Krieken, PM Kluin, LJ van 't Veer, D de Jong (2005), Gene expression profiling in follicular lymphoma to assess clinical aggressiveness and to guide the choice of treatment, In Blood Volume 105 p.301-307.

B Weigelt, LFA Wessels, AJ Bosma, AM Glas, DSA Nuyten, YD He, H Dai, JL Peterse, LJ van 't Veer (2005), No common denominator for breast cancer lymph node metastasis, In BJC: British Journal of Cancer Volume 93 p.924-932.

C Lai, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2005), Random subspace method for multivariate feature selection, BJA Kröse, HJ Bos, EA Hendriks, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In ASCI 2005 - Proceedings of the eleventh annual conference of the advanced school for computing and imaging p.328-335, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI).

T Knijnenburg, JM Daran, PAS Daran-Lapujade, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2005), Relating transcription factors, modules of genes and cultivations conditions in saccharomyces cerevisiae, Poster Yeasterday 2005, Leuven, Belgium, 27 May 2005.

TA Knijnenburg, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2005), The selection of relevant and non-redundant features to improve classification performance of microarray gene expression data, BJA Kröse, HJ Bos, EA Hendriks, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In ASCI 2005 - Proceedings of the eleventh annual conference of the advanced school for computing and imaging p.49-56, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI).

C Lai, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2004), On univariate selection methods in gene expression datasets, JJ Wijk, JWJ Heijnsdijk, KG Langendoen, R Veltkamp (Eds.), In ASCI 2004; Proceedings of the tenth annual conference of the advanced school for computing and imaging p.335-341, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging.