Aleksandra MiƂobedzka, Catarina Ferreira, Ivone Vaz-Moreira, D. Calderon Franco, Adrian Gorecki, Sabina Purkrtova, Jan Bartacek, Lukasz Dziewit, D.G. Weissbrodt, More Authors (2022), Monitoring antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater environments: The challenges of filling a gap in the One-Health cycle, In Journal of Hazardous Materials.

D. Calderon Franco, Seeram Apoorva, G.J. Medema, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, D.G. Weissbrodt (2021), Upgrading residues from wastewater and drinking water treatment plants as low-cost adsorbents to remove extracellular DNA and microorganisms carrying antibiotic resistance genes from treated effluents, In Science of the Total Environment Volume 778.

David Calderon Franco, Qingnan Lin, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Ben Abbas, David Weissbrodt (2020), Anticipating Xenogenic Pollution at the Source: Impact of Sterilizations on DNA Release From Microbial Cultures, In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Volume 8.

D. Calderon Franco, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, T.E.P.M.F. Abeel, D.G. Weissbrodt (2020), Free-floating extracellular DNA: systematic profiling of mobile genetic elements and antibiotic resistance from wastewater, In Water Research Volume 189.

David Calderon Franco, Q Lin, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, Ben Abbas, David Weissbrodt (2019), Impact of sterilization procedures on release of xenogenic elements into urban waterways, MEWE - IWA, Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Conference.