Christos Dimitrakopoulos, Marc Hulsman, Jeroen de Ridder (2012), Scale-spaces from protein networks: How diffusion profiles reveal functional information in physical interaction topologies, Systems Biology.

HV Unadkat, M Hulsman, K Cornelissen, BJ Papenburg, RK Truckenmüller, GF Post, M Uetz, MJT Reinders, D Stamatialis, CA Blitterswijk, J de Boer (2011), An algorithm-based topographical biomaterials library to instruct cell fate, In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Volume 108 p.16565-16570.

Marc Hulsman, HV Unadkat, Kamiel Cornelissen, Jan de Boer, Marcel Reinders (2011), Data mining the TopoChip.

Bastiaan van den Berg, Marc Hulsman, Marcel Reinders, L Wu, HJ Pel, J.A. Roubos, Dick de Ridder (2011), Relating amino acid patterns to successful high-level protein secretion in Aspergillus niger, NBIC Conference 2011.

M Hulsman, MJT Reinders, D de Ridder (2009), Evolutionary optimization of kernel weights improves protein complex comebership prediction, In IEEE - ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Volume 6 p.427-437.

M Hulsman, MJT Reinders, D de Ridder (2008), Combining kernels to predict protein complexes, GJM Smit, DHJ Epema, MS Lew (Eds.), In Proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.145-152, ASCI.