A Noroozian, MT Korczynski, ST Tajalizadehkhoob, MJG van Eeten (2015), Developing Security Reputation Metrics for Hosting Providers, In Proceedings of the 8th Usenix Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 15) p.-, USENIX Association.

H Asghari, MJG van Eeten, JM Bauer (2015), Economics of fighting botnets: Lessons from a decade of mitigation, In IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine: building confidence in a networked world Volume 13 p.16-23.

GCM Moura, C Ganan, QB Lone, P Poursaied Esfahani, H Asghari, MJG van Eeten (2015), How dynamic is the ISPs address space? Towards internet-wide DHCP churn estimation, R Kacimi, Z Mammeri (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 14th IFIP Networking Conference p.1-9, IEEE.

H Asghari, M Ciere, MJG van Eeten (2015), Post-mortem of a Zombie: Conficker cleanup after six years, J Jung (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium p.1-16, USENIX Association.

A Arnbak, H Asghari, MJG van Eeten (2014), Assessing legal and technical solutions to secure HTTPS, In ACM Queue: tomorrow's computing today Volume 12 p.1-15.

G Dafermos, MJG van Eeten (2014), Images of innovation in discourses of free and open source software, In First Monday Volume 19.

A Arnbak, H Asghari, MJG van Eeten, NANM van Eijk (2014), Security collapse in the HTTPS market, In Communications of the ACM Volume 57 p.47-55.

ST Tajalizadehkhoob, H Asghari, C Ganan, MJG van Eeten (2014), Why them? Extracting intelligence about target selection from zeus financial malware, s.n. (Eds.), In proceedings of the 13th annual workshop on the economics of information security, WEIS 2014 p.1-26, WEIS.

H Asghari, MJG van Eeten, JM Bauer, M Mueller (2013), Deep packet inspection: Effects of regulation on its deployment by internet providers, Social sience research network Volume Working papers series.

H Asghari, MJG van Eeten, M Mueller (2013), Internet Measurements and Public Policy: Mind the Gap, C Kanich (Eds.), In 6th workshop on cyber security experimentation and test, CSET '13 p.1-26, USENIX Association.