Ding Ding, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Mark A. Neerincx (2020), Simulated thoughts in virtual reality for negotiation training enhance self-efficacy and knowledge, In International Journal of Human Computer Studies Volume 139 p.1-12.
Franziska Burger, Mark A. Neerincx, Willem Paul Brinkman (2020), Technological State of the Art of Electronic Mental Health Interventions for Major Depressive Disorder: Systematic Literature Review, In Journal of Medical Internet Research p.e12599.
Ding Ding, Mark A. Neerincx, Willem Paul Brinkman (2020), The Effect of an Adaptive Simulated Inner Voice on User's Eye-gaze Behaviour, Ownership Perception and Plausibility Judgement in Virtual Reality, In Interacting with Computers Volume 32 p.510-523.
Ewart J. de Visser, Marieke M.M. Peeters, Malte F. Jung, Spencer Kohn, Tyler H. Shaw, Richard Pak, Mark A. Neerincx (2020), Towards a Theory of Longitudinal Trust Calibration in Human–Robot Teams, In International Journal of Social Robotics Volume 12 p.459-478.
Dylan G.M. Schouten, Pim Massink, Stella F. Donker, Mark A. Neerincx (2020), Using scaffolding to formalize digital coach support for low-literate learners, In User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Volume 31 (2021) p.183-223.
Roel Boumans, Fokke van Meulen, Koen Hindriks, Mark Neerincx, Marcel Olde Rikkert (2019), A Feasibility Study of a Social Robot Collecting Patient Reported Outcome Measurements from Older Adults, In International Journal of Social Robotics Volume 12 p.259-266.
Daisy Van Der Putte, Roel Boumans, Mark Neerincx, Marcel Olde Rikkert, Marleen De Mul (2019), A Social Robot for Autonomous Health Data Acquisition Among Hospitalized Patients: An Exploratory Field Study, In 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) p.658-659, IEEE.
Myrthe L. Tielman, Mark A. Neerincx, Claudia Pagliari, Albert Rizzo, Willem Paul Brinkman (2019), Considering patient safety in autonomous e-mental health systems - Detecting risk situations and referring patients back to human care, In BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Volume 19.
Bernd Dudzik, Michel Pierre Jansen, Franziska Burger, Frank Kaptein, Joost Broekens, Dirk K.J. Heylen, Hayley Hung, Mark A. Neerincx, Khiet P. Truong (2019), Context in Human Emotion Perception for Automatic Affect Detection: A Survey of Audiovisual Databases, In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2019, IEEE.
Myrthe L. Tielman, Mark A. Neerincx, Willem Paul Brinkman (2019), Design and Evaluation of Personalized Motivational Messages by a Virtual Agent that Assists in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapy, In Journal of Medical Internet Research Volume 21 p.e9240.