Nikolas L. Jorstad, Janet H.T. Song, David Exposito-Alonso, Hamsini Suresh, Nathan Castro-Pacheco, Soumyadeep Basu, Thomas Kroes, Thomas Höllt, Boudewijn P. Lelieveldt, More Authors (2023), Comparative transcriptomics reveals human-specific cortical features, In Science (New York, N.Y.) Volume 382.

A. Popa, F. Gabrieli, T. Kroes, A. Krekeler, M. Alfeld, B. Lelieveldt, E. Eisemann, T. Höllt (2022), Visual Analysis of RIS Data for Endmember Selection, R. Pintus, F. Ponchio (Eds.), In Proceedings Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage p.103-106, The Eurographics Association.

Philipp von Radziewsky, Thomas Kroes, Martin Eisemann, Elmar Eisemann (2017), Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes using Visibility Sweeps, In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Volume 23 p.2069-2081.

T Kroes (2015), Medical visualization and simulation for customizable surgical guides, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology.

T Kroes, E R Valstar, E Eisemann (2015), Numerical optimization of alignment reproducibility for customizable surgical guides, In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Volume 10 p.1567-1578.

T Kroes, M Eisemann, E Eisemann (2015), Visibility sweeps for joint-hierarchical importance sampling of direct lighting for stochastic volume rendering, H Zhang, T Tang (Eds.), In GI '15 Proceedings of the 41st Graphics Interface Conference p.97-104, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

T Kroes, D Schut, E Eisemann (2014), A smooth probability-based ambient occlusion approximation for volume rendering, In GPU Pro p.-.

T Kroes, FH Post, CP Botha (2012), Exposure render: an interactive photo-realistic volume rendering framework, In PLoS ONE Volume 7 (7).

NN Smit, T Kroes, AC Kraima, D Jansma, MC Deruiter, E.R. Valstar, CP Botha (2012), Towards declarative medical visualization, VCBM 2012.