CJ Veenman, MJT Reinders, E Backer (2003), Motion tracking as a constrained optimization problem, In Pattern Recognition Volume 36 p.2049-2067.

EP van Someren, LFA Wessels, E Backer, MJT Reinders (2003), Multi-criterion optimization for genetic network modeling, In Signal Processing Volume 83 p.763-775.

A Rares, MJT Reinders, J Biemond (2003), Recovery of partially degraded colors in old films, S Vassiliadis, LMJ Florack, JWJ Heijnsdijk, A van der Steen (Eds.), In ASCI 2003; Proceedings of the ninth annual conference of the advanced school for computing and imaging p.82-86, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging.

RJP van Berlo, EP van Someren, MJT Reinders (2003), Studying the conditions for learning dynamic Bayesian networks to discover genetic regularly networks, In Simulation Volume 79 p.1-15.

CJ Veenman, MJT Reinders, E Backer (2002), A maximum variance cluster algorithm, In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Volume 24 p.1273-1280.

A Rares, MJT Reinders, J Biemond, RL Lagendijk (2002), A spatiotemporal image sequence restoration algorithm, In ICIP 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing p.857-860, IEEE Society.

A Rares, MJT Reinders, J Biemond (2002), An algorithm for spatial restoration of image sequences, EF Deprettere, et al. (Eds.), In ASCI 2002 Proceedings of the Eight Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.158-162, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging.

LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2002), Bioinformatics, J Meij (Eds.), In Dealing with the data flood; miningdata, text and multimedia p.122-131, STT/Beweton.

PJ van der Veen, LFA Wessels, JW Slootstra, RH Meloen, MJT Reinders, J Hellendoorn (2002), Computer-based optimization of high-througput peptide screening, DJ Bornhop, et al. (Eds.), In Biomedical Nanotechnology Architectures and Applications p.523-534, The International Society for Optical Engineering.

EP van Someren, LFA Wessels, E Backer, MJT Reinders (2002), Genetic network modeling, In Pharmacogenomics Volume 3 p.1-19.