JF Lichtenauer, GA ten Holt, EA Hendriks, MJT Reinders (2007), Sign language detection using 3D visual cues, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Int. conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS 2007) p.1-6, IEEE.

M Clements, AP de Vries, JA Pouwelse, J Wang, MJT Reinders (2007), User-based recommendation in decentralized file sharing systems, F.W. Jansen, G.E.O. Pierre, C.J. Veenman, J.W.J. Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the thirteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.34-42, ASCI.

TA Knijnenburg, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2007), Using the central limit theorem to compute gene set enrichment scores for time-series microarray data, F.W. Jansen, G.E.O. Pierre, C.J. Veenman, J.W.J. Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the thirteenth annual conference of the Advanced School of the Computing and Imaging p.243-251, ASCI.

JF Lichtenauer, EA Hendriks, MJT Reinders (2006), 3D versus 2D pose information for recognition of NGT signs, JH Weber, RL Lagendijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twenty-seventh symposium on information theory in the Benelux p.291-298, Werkgemeenschap Informatie- en Communicatietheorie (WIC).

JF Lichtenauer, EA Hendriks, MJT Reinders (2006), A calibrationless skin color model, BPF Lelieveldt, B Haverkort, CTAM de Laat, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.326-332, ASCI.

C Lai, MJT Reinders, LJ van 't Veer, LFA Wessels (2006), A comparison of univariate and multivariate gene selection techniques for classification of cancer datasets, In BMC Bioinformatics Volume 7.

C Lai, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2006), A study on multivariate gene selection for cancer classification, BPF Lelieveldt, B Haverkort, CTAM de Laat, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.236-244, ASCI.

J Wang, AP de Vries, MJT Reinders (2006), A user-item relevance model for log-based collaborative filtering, M Lalmas, A MacFarlane, S RĂ¼ger, A Tombros, T Tsikrika, A Yavlinsky (Eds.), In Advances in information retrieval p.37-48, Springer.

TA Knijnenburg, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2006), Artifacts of Markov blanket filtering based on discretized features in small sample size applications, In Pattern Recognition Letters Volume 27 p.709-714.

GA ten Holt, P. Hendriks, T.C. Andringa, EA Hendriks, MJT Reinders (2006), Automatic recognition of Dutch sign language, BPF Lelieveldt, B Haverkort, CTAM de Laat, JWJ Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.157-164, ASCI.