D Singh, KV Hindriks (2013), Learning to improve agent behaviours in GOAL, M Dastani (Eds.), In Proceedings in Programming Multi-Agent Systems p.158-173, Springer.

J Xu, DJ Broekens, KV Hindriks, MA Neerincx (2013), Mood expression through parameterized functional behavior of robots, Y.J. Cho, H.R. Choi (Eds.), In Proceedings in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2013) p.533-540, IEEE Society.

N Alechina, T Behrens, M Dastani, KV Hindriks, J Hubner, B Logan, Hai Nguyen, M van der Zee (2013), Multi-cycle query caching in agent programming, H Munoz-Avila et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence p.32-38, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

T Baarslag, KV Hindriks, MJC Hendrikx, CM Jonker (2013), Predicting the performance of opponent models in automated negotiation, Y Pan et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT) p.59-66, IEEE Society.

N Alechina, T Behrens, KV Hindriks, B Logan (2013), Query caching in agent programming languages, M Dastani, JF Hubner, B Logan (Eds.), In Programming Multiagent Systems - Proceedings 10th International Workshop ProMAS p.123-137, Springer.

WM Visser, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker (2013), Reasoning about interest-based preferences, J Filipe et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in 3rd International Conference, ICAART 2011 p.115-130, Springer.

C Wang, KV Hindriks, R Babuska (2013), Robot learning and use of affordances in goal-directed tasks, K Kosuge (Eds.), In Proceedings 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems p.2288-2294, IEEE Society.

J Xu, DJ Broekens, KV Hindriks, MA Neerincx (2013), The relative importance and interrelations between behavior parameters for robots¿ mood expression, T Pun, C Pelachaud, N Sebe (Eds.), In Proceedings in 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013) p.1-6, IEEE Society.

K Fujita, T Ito, T Baarslag, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker, S Kraus, R Lin (2013), The second automated negotiating agents competition, T Ito et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in 2nd Automated Negotiating Agents Competition p.183-197, Springer.

WM Visser, R Aydogan, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker (2012), A framework for qualitative mulit-criteria preferences, J Filipe et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence p.243-248, SciTePress.