Frank Kaptein, Joost Broekens, Koen Hindriks, Mark Neerincx (2018), Self-explanations of a cognitive agent by citing goals and emotions, In 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2017 Volume 2018-January p.81-82, IEEE.

Alex Kayal, M. Birna van Riemsdijk, Mark A. Neerincx, Willem Paul Brinkman (2018), Socially adaptive electronic partners for improved support of children's values: An empirical study with a location-sharing mobile app, In International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction Volume 18 p.79-89.

Vincent J. Koeman, H.J. Griffioen, Danny C. Plenge, Koen V. Hindriks (2018), StarCraft as a Testbed for Engineering Complex Distributed Systems Using Cognitive Agent Technology, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems p.1983-1985.

Peter Werkhoven, Leon Kester, Mark Neerincx (2018), Telling autonomous systems what to do, In Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE 2018 p.1-8, ACM.

Iulia Lefter, Siska Fitrianie (2018), The Multimodal Dataset of Negative Affect and Aggression: A Validation Study, In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction , ACM.

Frank Kaptein, Joost Broekens, Koen Hindriks, Mark Neerincx (2018), The Role of Emotion in Self-Explanations by Cognitive Agents, In 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos, ACIIW 2017 Volume 2018-January p.88-93, IEEE.

Mark A. Neerincx, Jasper van der Waa, Frank Kaptein, Juriaan van Diggelen (2018), Using Perceptual and Cognitive Explanations for Enhanced Human-Agent Team Performance, Don Harris (Eds.), In Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics - 15th International Conference, EPCE 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Proceedings p.204-214, Springer.

Stefano Bennati, Ivana Dusparic, Rhythima Shinde, Catholijn M. Jonker (2018), Volunteers in the Smart City: Comparison of Contribution Strategies on Human-Centered Measures, In Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Volume 18 p.1-22.

An Jacobs, Mike Ligthart, Shirley A. Elprama, Koen Hindriks, Kate Winkle (2018), What Could Go Wrong: Lessons Learned When Doing HRI User Studies with Off-the-Shelf Social Robots, In HRI 2018 - Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction p.395-396, ACM.

Myrthe Tielman, Catholijn M. Jonker, M. Birna van Riemsdijk (2018), What should I do?: Deriving norms from actions,values and context, J. Cassens, R. Wegener, A. Kofod-Petersen (Eds.), In MCR 2018 Modelling and Reasoning in Context p.35-40, CEUR-WS.