PA Redert, EA Hendriks, J Biemond (2000), 3-D Scene reconstruction with viewpoint adaption on stereo displays, In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Volume 10 p.550-562.

CJ Veenman, MJT Reinders, E Backer (2000), A composite model and algorithm for motion correspondence, van LJ Vliet, T Watanabe (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 6th annual conference p.229-236, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging.

I Patras, EA Hendriks, RL Lagendijk (2000), A semi-automatic method for segmentation of image sequences by local region-based classification, MH Hamza (Eds.), In Proceedings p.205-210, iASTED.

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A Rares, MJT Reinders (2000), Adaptive mixtures for object tracking, J Biemond (Eds.), In Proceedings p.223-230, Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie- en Communicatietheorie.

BJ Lei, EA Hendriks (2000), An unified approach to generic low-level feature modeling and detection, van LJ Vliet, T Watanabe (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 6th annual conference p.64-71, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging.

RL Lagendijk, J Biemond (2000), Basic methods for image restoration and identification, A Bovik (Eds.), In Handbook of image & video processing p.125-139, Academic Press.

CJ Veenman, JAK Mouw, MJT Reinders (2000), Combining facial feature detectors in a multi-agent framework, In Unknown p.47-49, s.n..

CJ Veenman, MJT Reinders, E Backer (2000), Competitive segmentation: a struggle for image space, M Schoenauer, T Watanabe (Eds.), In Parallel problem solving from nature - PPSN VI: 6th international conference, Paris, Sept. 2000 [Lecture notes in computer science 1917] p.517-526, Springer.