CCS Liem, R van der Sterren, M van Tilburg, A Sarasua, JJ van den Bosch, J Janer, MS Melenhorst, E Gomez, A Hanjalic (2013), Innovating the Classical music experience in the PHENICX project: use cases and initial user feedback, R Kaiser (Eds.), In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at EuroITV 2013 p.1-2, WSICC.

S Rudinac, MA Larson, A Hanjalic (2013), Learning crowdsourced user preferences for visual summarization of image collections, In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Volume 15 p.1231-1243.

L Yang, A Hanjalic (2013), Learning to rerank web images, In IEEE Multimedia Volume 20 p.13-21.

CCS Liem, A Bazzica, A Hanjalic (2013), Looking beyond sound: unsupervised analysis of musician videos, SN (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2013, 14th workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) p.1-4, IEEE Society.

Y Shi, MA Larson, A Hanjalic (2013), Mining contextual movie similarity with matrix factorization for context-aware recommendation, In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Volume 4 p.1-19.

A Hanjalic (2013), Multimedia retrieval that matters, In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications Volume 9 p.1-5.

Y Shi, P Serdyukov, A Hanjalic, MA Larson (2013), Nontrivial landmark recommendation using geotagged photos, In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Volume 4 p.1-27.

Y Shi, MA Larson, A Hanjalic (2013), Unifying rating-oriented and ranking-oriented collaborative filtering for improved recommendation, In Information Sciences Volume 229 p.29-39.

CCS Liem, MA Larson, A Hanjalic (2013), When music makes a scene - Characterizing music in multimedia contexts via user scene descriptions, In International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval Volume 2 p.15-30.

Y Shi, A Karatzoglou, L Baltrunas, MA Larson, A Hanjalic (2013), xCLiMF: Optimizing expected reciprocal rank for data with multiple levels of relevance, SN (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems (RecSys '13) p.431-434, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).