Lora Aroyo, Carlos Castillo, Geert Jan Houben (2023), Foreword from the Program Chairs, In WWW '23: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 p.XXXIV, ACM.

L. Cavalcante Siebert, M.L. Lupetti, E. Aizenberg, N.W.M. Beckers, A. Zgonnikov, H.M. Veluwenkamp, D.A. Abbink, Elisa Giaccardi, G.J.P.M. Houben, C.M. Jonker, M.J. van den Hoven, D. Forster, R.L. Lagendijk (2022), Meaningful human control: actionable properties for AI system development, In AI and Ethics.

G. Siachamis, G.J.P.M. Houben, A. van Deursen, A Katsifodimos (2021), Integrating Massive Data Streams, Philip A. Bernstein , Tilmann Rabl (Eds.), In Proceedings of the VLDB 2021 PhD Workshop Volume 2971, CEUR-WS.

A. Ionescu, A Katsifodimos, G.J.P.M. Houben (2021), Interactive Data Discovery in Data Lakes, In Proceedings of the VLDB 2021 PhD Workshop Volume 2971 , CEUR-WS.

A.M.A. Balayn, C. Lofi, G.J.P.M. Houben (2021), Managing bias and unfairness in data for decision support: a survey of machine learning and data engineering approaches to identify and mitigate bias and unfairness within data management and analytics systems, In The VLDB Journal Volume 30 p.739-768.

G.A. van Alphen, S. Qiu, A. Bozzon, G.J.P.M. Houben (2020), Analyzing Workers Performance in Online Mapping Tasks Across Web, Mobile, and Virtual Reality Platforms, In Proceedings of the 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing p.141-149, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

Ziyu Li, Asterios Katsifodimos, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert Jan Houben (2020), Complex event processing on real-time video streams, In CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Sihang Qiu, Ujwal Gadiraju, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert Jan Houben (2020), Conversational crowdsourcing, Dmitry Ustalov, Fabio Casati, Alexey, Daria Baidakova (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Crowd Science Workshop: Remoteness, Fairness, and Mechanisms as Challenges of Data Supply by Humans for Automation co-located with 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020) Volume 2736 p.1-6.

Shahin Sharifi Noorian, Sihang Qiu, Achilleas Psyllidis, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert Jan Houben (2020), Detecting, classifying, and mapping retail storefronts using street-level imagery, In ICMR 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval p.495-501, ACM.

Sihang Qiu, Alessandro Bozzon, Geert Jan Houben (2020), VirtualCrowd: A Simulation Platform for Microtask Crowdsourcing Campaigns, A.E.F. Seghtouchni, G. Sukthankar, T.Y. Liu, M. van Steen (Eds.), In WWW '20 p.222-225, ACM.