PURE Output Converter 2

The Pure Converter is a small tool to retrieve a paged list of publications from the TU Delft Research Information System called Pure. The converter will generate a web page that can be embedded on other websites to display publications.


  1. Choose a query type: a Person, Organisational unit, Research ID or Search term.
  2. For Person or Organisational unit, use the unique ID or person/organisation name retrieved from the research portal. For Research ID, use the unique Research ID provided by the library. Use a term of your choice for Search term.
  3. For style, select either a regular style (normal) or a list style using bullet points (as a list).
  4. Click on the Generate URL button to generate a link and the HTML to embed.
  5. Use the link to view the result.
  6. Copy and paste the generated HTML to embed on a page.

URL Generator

Query type

Choose the correct query type for your purpose. The IDs are bound to either query type Person or Organisational unit. An incorrect match will generate an error.

Person/Organisation ID

You can retrieve the ID from the portal's URLs. Go to the research portal and search for a user (see Researchers) or a group (see Research Unit). Copy and paste the ID, which is the last part of the URL. For example, in the URL for the person with the name Mathijs de Weerdt: https://research.tudelft.nl/en/persons/mm-de-weerdt, the ID is mm-de-weerdt. If this does not give you the desired result, try using the name of the person or organisation as displayed in the research portal. In the previous example this is M.M. de Weerdt.

Research ID

The Research ID is a unique ID maintained by the library. It can be used to group related publications. Use the ID without the leading i_, either with or without underscore(s). For example, if the Research ID is i_cybersecurity_developing_a_science_of_cybersecurity, either cybersecurity_developing_a_science_of_cybersecurity or cybersecurity developing a science of cybersecurity will do.


- If an error message is shown when entering a person or organisation ID or name, make sure the correct query type was selected.
- If a person has no research output yet, the generated link shows a page with the message No research output available.The same is shown for a non-existing Research ID or a faulty search term.
- If a publication is missing required information, only the author(s), year, and title are shown in the list. Please report this to the library. This publication probably has an uncommon publication type. This can be fixed in either Pure or in the Pure Converter.